Tools to enhance the Spooky2 Experience
Treatment Information for Spooky2
by Johann Stegmann
Increased pain in the affected area
How does Remote Treatment Work
How to find the Correct Program
Have You Been Mercury Poisoned?
It is never the case that people are completely passive agents in their own healing. Simply making a decision to get well – or to participate in a double-blind study, for that matter – can reflect the person’s desire to grow or change. When someone takes charge of their own healing, biochemical and physiological changes occur. Even the conventional medical community acknowledges that people who feel in control over their lives produce beneficial hormones that help them heal; whereas those who do not feel in control produce noxious biological chemicals that make them feel even sicker.
When I started treating Tania that is very sensitive to rifing, I quickly discovered that she experienced certain frequencies as bad. With bad I mean she experienced it as not being pleasant at all. From then on I would test all the frequencies in a program before running it on her and then add it to the Blacklist (in Advance) in Spooky.
As her treatment progressed I tried some of these on her again hoping that because the condition did not exist anymore she would now not experience it as bad anymore. They still remained bad so I have these on my Blacklist.
20 | 146 | 282 | 413 |
465 | 557 | 751 | 762 |
802 | 907 | 917 | 957 |
1102 | 1552 | 2127 | 2720 |
The following programs did clean the blood
Lymphangitis – CAFL
880, 574, 778, 1120, 1078, 3176,
Streptococcus Pyrogenes – CAFL
625.48, 2501.9, 616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20,
I made mention previously that I do not trust most of the many studies that are published because most of the time the detail of how these were conducted are not available only the end result. In most cases these published end results does not match the details contained in the study. Also many a time the study would use the words could and maybe but when published it is stated as fact.
I am not a keen supporter of Natural News as they sensationalize whatever news they report. But at least the bottom line of what they report is worth reading. In the under mentioned news clip it was wound that 11% of 53 papers on cancer published in journals were solid and 89% could not be reproduced. Evidence suggests that up to 90 percent of landmark cancer research may be false.
So much for the studies everybody rely so heavily on.
The normal man in the street read about these studies in the popular media being it newspapers, magazines, internet etc. They never read the scientific journal where the full detail of the study is given.
The popular media never provide full details but almost always just say “in a recent study it was found …”. It is this way and manner of communication to the masses that I have the major problem with. Say 40 years ago the results of very few studies were made public in this manner and when they did very much full details were provided. As time went by the number of study findings became more in number but less in detail where today you have one almost every single day. To further complicate matters and built up mistrust something would be found to be bad for you the one year only to be found the next year to be good for you.
The other aspect that found its way of general acceptance was the principle of scientific proof. Scientific proof is needed with regards to many things to ensure that whatever is claimed is indeed true. But like with many other things it has developed into something that acts as a huge obstacle to new ideas and innovative development. The main reason for this development was that many made claims that were indeed false and sold that to the public and a way was needed to protect the public from this. But in their effort to protect the public and to identify these false claims they made it almost impossible for new products/ideas of truth to emerge.
I do not have the answer but I can see the problem in all of this.
To support any product/idea with scientific proof cost money – a lot of money, millions. The most innovative inventions from the past came from a single person and not from a company or corporation. Whereas in the past this single person’s invention could be made available to the public at large relatively easy it is virtually impossible today as very few has the financial means required and made mandatory today. This in turn led to a new movement where products/ideas are making its way to the public irrespective of scientific proof by way of a kind of “black market”.
People see and experience firsthand that something is working even if no scientific proof is available and start using these. At the same time, as always, you get your influx of false goods making use of this emerging market.
With all this said we, the normal person, are left with a very difficult situation. We are bombarded with contradictory scientific studies daily from the media about things we have no knowledge about and about which we are required to make decisions on as to what is true and what is false. At the same time we are told that any product that is not backed by scientific studies must not be used but at the same time we are finding some of these very unproven products to work in practice.
People and doctors see them as basically the same but when treating them they are very different. A cancer is caused by the BX and BY virus and must be treated with Rife cancer programs. A tumor is not caused by these viruses but other things and Rife cancer programs have no affect on them. Both look like cancer because both grow and invade. The doctor’s classification of malignant and benign is totally wrong. They see malignant as cancerous tumors that can invade and destroy nearby tissue and spread to other parts of the body and benign as not cancerous tumors that may grow large but does not invade and destroy nearby tissue and do not spread to other parts of the body. I found that benign tumors can and do invade and spread to other parts of the body. Then to name these as malignant is wrong as this will let one use the wrong treatment and no success.
The accepted held belief is that you have a primary cancer site and that the cancer then spreads (metastasize) to other parts of the body. The cancer in these other parts of the body is then the same as that of the primary cancer although in a different body part. This is true and false subject to what is found in the previous paragraph.
Tania sees a cancer tumor as black and a benign tumor as grey. This confused me at the beginning because I found that some tumors she saw as black – cancer – cleared with non cancer programs. This I only found thus far with a tumor in the lung and brain. I had three lung tumors thus far and two brain tumors and each of them Tania saw as black but I cured them with non cancer programs. Cancer programs had no effect. So it would appear that even if the cancer started in the lungs or brain – primary site – the tumor is benign and not caused by the BX and BY virus. If these were not the primary site the same applied. I would say the tissue in the lungs and brain makes them appear as cancerous when they develop a tumor. The type of tissue in these must be that make them appear as black and not grey.
From my experience thus far many so called cancers is in actual fact not cancer as defined above but normal tumors that must be treated with non cancer programs. There is no primary cancer site at all. This in itself creates problems for the patient. They hear the word cancer and that is enough to drive them into a state of panic. Cancer is dangerous and it can kill you is what is paramount in their mind. This is when they take the chemo route in desperation. They need immediate physical action – now – not Rife treatment that is not proven. And perhaps they are correct: we did not cure many cancer/tumors in the past.
According to Dr Hamer cancer occur in an organ – primary site. Organs as defined with regards to cancer are not clear at all. I would say your major organs are the ones that attract true cancer but then also not all of them. I now know for instance that a kidney tumor is not cancerous. This I believe is still very much to be explored and determined. We are in a field I believe where we must question everything and determine through practice what is what.
Chronic Pain Harms The Brain
Feb. 6, 2008 – People with unrelenting pain don’t only suffer from the non-stop sensation of throbbing pain. They also have trouble sleeping, are often depressed, anxious and even have difficulty making simple decisions.
In a new study, investigators at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine have identified a clue that may explain how suffering long-term pain could trigger these other pain-related symptoms.
Researchers found that in a healthy brain all the regions exist in a state of equilibrium. When one region is active, the others quiet down. But in people with chronic pain, a front region of the cortex mostly associated with emotion “never shuts up,” said Dante Chialvo, lead author and associate research professor of physiology at the Feinberg School. “The areas that are affected fail to deactivate when they should.”
They are stuck on full throttle, wearing out neurons and altering their connections to each other.
This is the first demonstration of brain disturbances in chronic pain patients not directly related to the sensation of pain.
Chialvo and colleagues used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to scan the brains of people with chronic low back pain and a group of pain-free volunteers while both groups were tracking a moving bar on a computer screen. The study showed the pain sufferers performed the task well but “at the expense of using their brain differently than the pain-free group,” Chialvo said.
When certain parts of the cortex were activated in the pain-free group, some others were deactivated, maintaining a cooperative equilibrium between the regions. This equilibrium also is known as the resting state network of the brain. In the chronic pain group, however, one of the nodes of this network did not quiet down as it did in the pain-free subjects.
This constant firing of neurons in these regions of the brain could cause permanent damage, Chialvo said. “We know when neurons fire too much they may change their connections with other neurons and or even die because they can’t sustain high activity for so long,” he explained.
“If you are a chronic pain patient, you have pain 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every minute of your life,” Chialvo said. “That permanent perception of pain in your brain makes these areas in your brain continuously active. This continuous dysfunction in the equilibrium of the brain can change the wiring forever and could hurt the brain.”
Chialvo hypothesized the subsequent changes in wiring “may make it harder for you to make a decision or be in a good mood to get up in the morning. It could be that pain produces depression and the other reported abnormalities because it disturbs the balance of the brain as a whole.”
He said his findings show it is essential to study new approaches to treat patients not just to control their pain but also to evaluate and prevent the dysfunction that may be generated in the brain by the chronic pain.
I came across this very interesting article about how marijuana stopped child’s severe seizures. This might be the answer people are seeking for:
Marijuana stops child’s severe seizures
On the web I found somebody that made a study for many years on heavy metals and found the following:
Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue
High levels of mercury, cadmium, lead , bismuth
Parkinson’s Disease
High levels of mercury, lead, aluminum and cadmium
Alzheimer’s Disease
High levels of cadmium and mercury
Predominantly mercury
Not tested but well worth trying
When I treated someone with Autism Tania found the brain to be very active – busy. On investigation I found the frequencies in Alzheimer’s to reduce this activity.
Few dietary components are more misunderstood than copper. Although copper is the third most abundant essential trace mineral in the body, after iron and zinc, most people consider it unimportant. Even worse, many people have actually taken steps to exclude it from their diets and dietary supplements, believing it to be nothing more than a cause of free radical reactions.
This is surprising, because copper has been recognized as an essential nutrient since the 1920’s. Copper: The Maligned Mineral. In the past seventy years, much has been learned about the important biological roles of copper and the copper-dependent enzymes. In fact, copper is emerging as one of the most important minerals in our diet. While unbound, free copper does generate free radicals in vitro, the relevance of this in the body has been called more imaginary than real.
In fact, copper has an entirely different role in the body, being a component of two of our most important antioxidant enzymes, copper-zinc superoxide dismutase and ceruloplasmin.
Unfortunately, most research into copper deficiency has focused on acute, severe deficiency. This is relatively rare in humans and animals on typical, varied diets. Marginal, chronic deficiency, however, is much more common. The determination of copper needs and marginal deficiency is complicated by the fact that while copper deficiency doesn’t necessarily lower the level of copper-dependent enzymes, it does significantly lower their activity.
The adult human body contains between 80 and 150 milligrams of copper.
The liver is the major location of stored copper, containing about 10 percent of the total-body content.
Maintaining a steady level of copper in the body depends upon a balance between intestinal absorption and biliary excretion. Biliary excretion of copper is capable of substantially increasing when excess copper is ingested.
The exception to this is in persons with the genetic defect causing Wilson’s Disease (hepatolenticular degeneration). This genetic disease, affecting approximately 1500 Americans, is characterized by a lack of circulating ceruloplasmin, low serum copper levels, and copper accumulation in the liver.11
This disease is characterized by an inability of the liver to normally transport copper, leading to copper overload. In most animals and humans, however, copper is essentially non -toxic.
Copper is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestine, and this is influenced little by the form of copper ingested.15
Although the absorption of copper may not sound like an exciting subject, if you take vitamin/mineral supplements containing vitamin C or zinc you should pay close attention. This is because convincing evidence has accumulated suggesting that zinc and vitamin C supplements are strong antagonists of copper status and absorption. In the case of zinc, numerous studies have shown that relatively small increases in dietary zinc significantly lowers copper absorption.
The long term effects of marginal, subclinical copper deficiency are not well defined. It has been hypothesized that low copper status is not only common, but plays a substantial role in numerous, common degenerative diseases and conditions.
Few dietary components are more misunderstood than copper. Although copper is the third most abundant essential trace mineral in the body, after iron and zinc, most people consider it unimportant. Even worse, many people have actually taken steps to exclude it from their diets and dietary supplements, believing it to be nothing more than a cause of free radical reactions.
This is surprising, because copper has been recognized as an essential nutrient since the 1920’s. In the past seventy years, much has been learned about the important biological roles of copper and the copper-dependent enzymes. In fact, copper is emerging as one of the most important minerals in our diet. While unbound, free copper does generate free radicals in vitro, the relevance of this in the body has been called more imaginary than real.
In fact, copper has an entirely different role in the body, being a component of two of our most important antioxidant enzymes, copper-zinc superoxide dismutase and ceruloplasmin.
Unfortunately, most research into copper deficiency has focused on acute, severe deficiency. This is relatively rare in humans and animals on typical, varied diets. Marginal, chronic deficiency, however, is much more common. The determination of copper needs and marginal deficiency is complicated by the fact that while copper deficiency doesn’t necessarily lower the level of copper-dependent enzymes, it does significantly lower their activity.
The adult human body contains between 80 and 150 milligrams of copper.
The liver is the major location of stored copper, containing about 10 percent of the total-body content.
Maintaining a steady level of copper in the body depends upon a balance between intestinal absorption and biliary excretion. Biliary excretion of copper is capable of substantially increasing when excess copper is ingested.
The exception to this is in persons with the genetic defect causing Wilson’s Disease (hepatolenticular degeneration). This genetic disease, affecting approximately 1500 Americans, is characterized by a lack of circulating ceruloplasmin, low serum copper levels, and copper accumulation in the liver.11 This disease is characterized by an inability of the liver to normally transport copper, leading to copper overload. In most animals and humans, however, copper is essentially non -toxic.
Copper is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestine, and this is influenced little by the form of copper ingested.15
Although the absorption of copper may not sound like an exciting subject, if you take vitamin/mineral supplements containing vitamin C or zinc you should pay close attention. This is because convincing evidence has accumulated suggesting that zinc and vitamin C supplements are strong antagonists of copper status and absorption. In the case of zinc, numerous studies have shown that relatively small increases in dietary zinc significantly lowers copper absorption.
The long term effects of marginal, subclinical copper deficiency are not well defined. It has been hypothesized that low copper status is not only common, but plays a substantial role in numerous, common degenerative diseases and conditions.
Much of what we take has zinc in it and zinc depletes copper and because we do not have this information or are not aware of this we are unknowingly depleting our copper. Zinc for instance is often used for the prevention or treatment of common colds and sinusitis. Zinc is also in multi vitamins. We thus are not even aware that we are depleting our copper.
These are some very good sites that give a lot of information about this:
Understanding Copper Deficiency in Celiac Disease
Detox is an essential part of rifing and very few people detox. I have received nails from many people over the 3 years I have been treating people and it has now become standard practice that I will detox them and run them for mercury before Tania does her first scan. If any of these are present it prevents Tania from doing a proper scan. It obscures her view and makes her very nauseas and it is not fair to Tania to experience something bad when she does a scan. They all need these two and some has it very severe. I normally run people for these two for 2 days nonstop on the old spooky. There were some I had to run for much longer.
Healing cannot take place if toxins or mercury are present. Therefore run these two for at least two days before you treat yourself or anybody else the first time.
During treatment this obviously varies. If you are killing pathogens then you need to detox after you killed them. I would say run programs to kill these pathogens for 3 days and then run detox for one day before continue with the pathogen killing. Or you can run detox whilst you are running the pathogen killing programs. That is what I normally do. For this you need more than one device.
For any detox I run Detox Toxins Elimination 2 – XTRA and for Mercury I run Mercury Toxicity V – CAFL. For Lyme I will also use Interleukin – PROV.
When you run detox the liver comes under pressure as the liver is doing most of the work and the kidney to some extent. It is always the liver and sometimes the kidney. I then run Liver Function Balance – XTRA and Detox 3 Toxins in the Kidney and Liver – PROV. I will normally run the detox and liver programs on other devices at the same time – every say 3rd day – and continue with the main programs for the condition I am treating.
People forget that the lymph system is very much part of the cleaning /detox system of the body. So I also run Lymphs and Detox – CAFL also from time to time.
When you are treating intestinal problems it is good to run Detox 1 Toxins in the Intestine – CAFL
What I did notice is that Tania will see toxins but the person will not experience pain when these toxins are present. Thus they will not know or be aware that they have toxin buildup. Only in very severe cases and in Lyme they will experience pain. So best to as a matter of routine to run these detox programs.
How what we read influence our health
In days gone by whenever we got ill we went to a doctor and he told us what was wrong with us and gave us medication. We believed what we were told and accepted it without any doubt in our mind.
Since then times have changed. We are now for many years been exposed to a lot of medical information by the media and our access to the internet. This vast volume of medical information is leaving many people in a state of confusion because most of this information is for and against many medical aspects with medical experts disagreeing on what is wrong and what is correct. Studies prove this and another proving the opposite. Now it is left to the normal person to decide what is wrong or correct or what each believe to be true or false. If medical experts cannot agree imagine the difference of opinion/believe/conviction amongst normal people.
Now this difference of opinion/believe/conviction amongst normal people is posing to be the biggest problem when treating people or when people treat themselves. People are using all of this information and their opinion/believe/conviction to make diagnosis of their own condition. Needless to say most of the time this diagnosis is incorrect nor not objective. But each believes the diagnosis they arrived at is correct.
People then start treating themselves based on their own diagnosis and many times then do not achieve success. The reason could well be that they try to treat too many conditions at the same time instead of concentrating on one or two condition at a time or treating the wrong condition because their diagnosis is not correct. Then they start jumping around – treating many conditions at random. If there is still no success they start doubting that rife can cure them and bring forward many reasons like the uniqueness of their condition for this but never that their treatment protocol might be the problem or that their diagnosis might be wrong. People seldom admit that they might be the problem.
I found the above in many of the people I treat. They come to me with pre conceived ideas as to their problem. Then when Tania does the diagnosis they tend not to agree fully or agree to a certain degree but still believe and are convinced about what they believe their problems to be. They will then go along with my treatment recommendations up to a certain point but at some stage take a position that we must now start treating the condition that they are convinced they have especially when I have not been treating any of those conditions they believe they have. This even if they did experience definite improvement in their condition up till then. They then insist to treat what they want to treat and not what I recommend. They then follow their own conviction and without exception their condition then goes backwards – at times very fast.
Another huge stumbling block is medications and supplements. People arrive at their opinions/believes/convictions about medications and supplements and take these based on this. In almost all the cases I encountered these medications/supplements is the major contributing cause of their condition. All medications and many supplements have side effects and these side effects contribute greatly to ill health. It is futile to try and treat people with rife whilst they continue with these medications/supplements. They wipe out any healing you are trying to achieve. Note these cannot be stopped immediately but must be done gradually. Also there are certain medications that cannot be stopped at all. It is all dependent on the condition and medication.
Whilst people cling to these opinions/believes/convictions they will never be healed no matter how much they try.
Fluoride was never in my vision as a cause for conditions I treated. When investigating autism where fluoride came up as perhaps the real cause in a child, I investigated fluoride. I then came on this eye opening article:
Fluoride Poisoning: It’s All Over
German and Austrian scientists knew in the early 1930s that an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) could be successfully treated by bathing patients in water containing minute amounts of fluoride. They had discovered nearly a century ago that fluoride blocked thyroid function. For the US government, long partnered with the pharmaceutical industry, to then force this same treatment on a nation of people with healthy thyroids under the lie that fluoride “prevents cavities in children,” is unconscionable. The Nuremberg Code of ethics pertaining to human experimentation labels it an act of crime, stating, “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” Today, 70% of the US is being forced to receive this thyroid-blocking chemical via their water without consent or medical monitoring for overdose, allergic reaction or blocked thyroid function. The benefits are being reaped by the largest of US industries: The pharmaceutical industry. Fluoride has created a nation of suffering people seeking more drugs to treat blocked thyroids and fluoride toxicity. We might drink bottled water, but most of us cannot avoid the bathwater.
Deliberately damaging the thyroid will produce a plethora of symptoms affecting the entire human body from head to toe. Symptoms of thyroid damage and fluoride poisoning include weight gain, edema, kidney disease, kidney failure, hair loss, depression, aggression, aches, pains, skin problems, bone deformities (likely including “arthritis” and spontaneous fractures), sexual/erectile dysfunction, memory loss, weakness, fatigue, heart disease, irritability, cancer, digestive disorders including severe GERD as a result of swallowing fluoride, nausea, vomiting, visual problems, gum disease, “high cholesterol,” connective tissue damage, brittle teeth, wrinkles, premature aging, dehydration, and long, long after the whole body has been damaged, “cosmetic fluorosis” might finally show up in a tooth or two. “Cosmetic fluorosis” is usually the only sign of fluoride poisoning mentioned by fluoride promoters, while downplaying the rest of the signs as though their livelihoods depended upon it.
Of all age groups, infants are the most vulnerable to fluoride toxicity. Due to their small size, infants receive up to 400% more fluoride (per pound of body weight) than adults consuming the same level of fluoride in water. Not only do infants receive a larger dose, they have an impaired ability to excrete fluoride through their kidneys. Healthy adults can excrete more than 50% of an ingested fluoride dose; infants, by contrast, can only excrete 15 to 20%. This leads to a greater build-up of fluoride in the body, and may help explain why infants fed formula made with fluoridated water suffer higher rates of dental fluorosis, a discoloration of the teeth caused by excessive fluoride ingestion during childhood.
Teeth are not the only tissue that can be affected by fluoride exposure during infancy. A baby’s blood brain barrier is not fully developed at birth, and this allows fluoride, a neurotoxin, greater access to the brain than in later periods in life. Over 30 studies have associated elevated fluoride exposure with neurological impairment in children, which may, in part, result from fluoride’s affect on the thyroid gland. In light of the serious nature of these effects, and the lack of benefit from pre-eruptive ingestion of fluoride, basic precautionary principles strongly counsel against exposing infants to any fluoride.
This site gives in great detail how to detox for Fluoride.
How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body
From a rifing point of view the pineal gland must be treated/stimulated.
The pineal gland can become calcified from fluorides, inhibiting it’s function as a melatonin producer. Melatonin is needed for sound, deep sleep, and the lack of it also contributes to thyroid problems that affect the entire endocrine system. The pineal gland is also considered the physical link to the upper chakras or third eye for spiritual and intuitive openings.
Signs to watch for:
It is not the cold/flu type of sick feeling but just a general all over sick or not feeling well or not having the normal healthy feeling you had before.
This is normally the first sign. It begins gradually and is a sort of a lingering nausea feeling that you cannot really immediately identify as nausea.
It is a tenseness that starts building up in you as if something wants to come out especially in your legs. Your legs and body become restless and you cannot remain still and relaxed. An unknown anxiety starts building up in you.
With the correct program you can feel something is working at the affected area but it is a kind of pleasant type of working but with the wrong program this working is more intense and gradually progress to more severe pain that you tend to identify as more pain too late.
People with Lyme is and remain sensitive to Rife until Borrelia is removed completely. It is recommended that people with Lyme and those sensitive to rife set the voltage at the nail holder at 1 volt and do not use:
The frequency set/program must be repeated NOT the frequency itself. Thus the setting must be 1, 1, 1, 0. If you repeat the frequency you change the protocol built into the frequency set/program
The idea is to have the frequency set/program repeat itself as often as possible. Note the frequency set/program and not the frequency. If a program’s total runtime is long, load it on two or more devices and start the programs at different times to ensure that the same frequency is not run at the same time on both devices. If the frequency set/program you want to run has a total time of 60 minutes start running it on the first device and only start running the same frequency set/program 30 minutes later. In this way it will repeat the frequency set/program every 30 minutes.
Note this is not a rule. If you only have one device run the full frequency set/program on it. You will still get positive results. Using the two or more device method just means you will get to the results quicker. It does not mean that the one device method will not work. It is dependent if you have devices available or not.
The ideal is to let a frequency set/program repeat itself every 30 minutes if possible but if you do not have extra devices to achieve this it does not mean it will not work. You willl get the same result be it in a bit longer. Your decision must be based on how important you deem the frequency set/program you want to run or the urgency of the treatment – need quick results.
The full program must be run and not only selected frequencies out of the frequency set/program.
The selection of what frequencies to be used in a frequency set/program and for how long each frequency should run was done by people that knew what they were doing. They must have had a reason and understood the reason for this. It was however found that to leave out certain frequencies at times – like bad frequencies – from a frequency set/program still made them work.
The dwell time of the frequency in a frequency set/ program can be divided by 3 and it will still have more healing power than the old UDB with a dwell time of 3 minutes. This make that the total run time is much less and you can more easily have your frequency set/programs repeat itself or fit in more frequency sets/programs.
After experiments it would appear that you can ran as many frequency sets/programs as you want at the same time – on any number of Spooky Remote devices – for 5 hours nonstop twice a day. The time you run the frequencies – no matter how many devices – must not exceed 5 hour at a time and you can do this twice a day. Ensure that there is reasonable time between the two sessions, normally 2 hours.
Some people can run Spooky remote nonstop for days without problems. Others again experience herx/frequency fatigue after 5 hours. This time limit of 5 hours is not fixed but a general guide. Experiment and see what works for you.
If you run Spooky Remote at a higher voltage than 2 volts you will more quickly experience herx/frequency fatigue.
On the web I found somebody that made a study for many years on heavy metals and found the following:
Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue
High levels of mercury, cadmium, lead , bismuth
Parkinson’s Disease
High levels of mercury, lead, aluminum and cadmium
Alzheimer’s Disease
High levels of cadmium and mercury
Predominantly mercury
Not tested but well worth trying
Any rife device sends out a frequency. With a pad and remote device you have two probes. If you place a nail or any DNA between these probes this frequency is send to the owner of that DNA. The DNA acts as a transmitter of the frequency and sends the frequency by means of scalar waves/energy to the owner of the DNA. The DNA in the person received this frequency and acts as the receiver. Scalar waves/energy is all around us and the transmission is instantaneous. There is no time delay and distance does not matter at all.
Direct family like children and parents will also receive some of this frequency because they also have some of the same DNA of the nail/DNA between the probes. Organs that are transplanted will not be affected because the organ does not contain the DNA of that person. So you cannot treat a transplanted organ. The only way to treat a transplanted organ is by means of direct contact.
With Spooky Remote the two probes was replace by two opposing energies thus creating scalar wave/energy at the probes. This added something additional to the normal frequency making healing much quicker and intense.
As this all sounds very much like the principle radionics work on so many assumed that radionics is involved which is not the case at all. It is the device on its own that works and has nothing to do with the intent of the operator or the ability of the operator. That is why photos do not work because photos do not have DNA.
Seeing that we lost how this all started I will try and tell how it all came about from what I remember. This will help others to understand our roots.
I was treated by a lady, Des Armstong, for my Non Hodgkins cancer for a week and went for a scan that showed the cancer to be gone. I thereafter also bought a Rife Medic device. Des taught me how to use this device. At first I asked her what programs to use for various conditions and then later on I began to understand the principles and asked her less and less. This training took a few months but gave me the principles I apply to this day.
Des has the ability to see auras and to see if a person still has cancer or not. Tania my daughter befriended her and Des introduced and taught her about aura’s etc.
Then some time later the new Rife Medic 5 came out and me and Des each bought one. This device has a PC program that generates the frequencies from the sound card of the PC. It had a function called Radionics that intrigued me. When I bought the device Pieter van Wyk the person that built the device and wrote the software delivered it personally. I and Des then had a long and in depth discussion with him about this radionics aspect and he explained it to me in great detail.
Thereafter Des tried placing Tania’s nail between the probe and found Tania could feel it. Tania is very sensitive to frequencies. She advised me about it and needless to say I did not believe her. So we tried in on my device. Tania said she could feel the frequencies. I had her go to another room where she would not know when her hair was between the probes. She every time responded correctly when her hair was placed between the probes. I was astounded. How can this be? What is happening? Does the Rife Medic 5 have radionics built into it?
Des took Tania’s hail to her place about 40km from me and again Tania confirmed she could feel the frequencies.
This is when I first posted all of this on the Rife Forum asking people if they could explain what is happening. Only one person responded and the two of us investigated on the web and exchanged views on the forum speculating on the reason for this happening. In the mean time I started treating people in this manner – hair between the probes – and found it worked even over great distances that confused me some more. I was more thinking radio technology where the hair is the transmitter and the person is the receiver but thought like in radio it would have a distance barrier. When I found this not to be the case I thought it must be radionics. There must be radionics built in the Rife Medic 5.
At this beginning stages when everyone thought this remote treatment source was radionics some people on the Rife Forum raised objections that radionics may not be discussed on the Rife Forum. Peter Walker intervened and said that he found this threat of interest and would allow it to continue as long as caution is exercised and it does not become a radionics discussion. If it was not for his intervention and allowed it, remote treatment would have been killed right then and there. That is why I respect and honor Peter until today. He provided the platform for remote treatment to be discussed, investigated and experimented with. Without the Rife Forum there would be no remote treatment and no Spooky.
By this time Hank Gigandet joined the discussion. He then sent me two devices he has built to me and Tania to test. We tested it and Tania found that the frequencies generated by these two devices were experienced by Tania as unpleasant. This surprised me as I firmly believed that no matter what kind of device is used the frequency produced must be the same. A frequency is a frequency. This also made me wonder if that could be the reason I am having success with my Rife Medic and other with other devices is not.
The devices from Hank used the frequencies generated by the Frex16 so I tested the frequency coming from the Frex16 before it entered Hank’s device. Tania experienced it still as unpleasant. I then tested the frequency coming out of the PC from the Rife Medic 5 software and Tania found it to be pleasant. I then plugged Hanks device into the frequency from the Rife Medic 5 and Tania found it to be still unpleasant. This meant that the Frex16 and Hank’s devices produced unpleasant frequencies.
Just before this I was under the impression that Hank’s device fed by Frex16 was the same as any other device – producing frequencies that are fine. When a pigeon gets ornithosis their wattle become brown. I had three pigeons that had this condition. I ran Hanks device with the feathers of these pigeons between the probes for 3 days. There was only a very slight improvement – the wattles were slight less brown. I then used the Rife Medic and after 2 hours the wattle was white again – no more brown.
This proved to me without any doubt that remote treatment worked but very few on the Rife Forum did. But I still had many questions. Why only on the Rife Medic? Does this mean some if not many devices out there are generating unpleasant frequencies and the reason that they are not so successful? This scared me. People were paying a lot of many for these devices. The other aspect was how must I run a treatment using remote? There is no manual to consult. I was on my own.
Hank wanted scope pictures from me for the Rife Medic in order to see if there were differences between the Rife Medic and other devices. I did get a scope and tired my best and sent him scope pictures that were placed on the forum. Then Roger Blaine came on the scene and – very technical like John White – said he will come over and do the scope the right way basically telling me I did not know what I was doing. He stays near to me. He came over and we took scope pictures and he posted a full report on the forum. At the same time we opened the Rife Medic and he found nothing strange in it. No radionics only basic high quality electronics used in any rife device.
That is when I also knew this was not radionics. Then the concept of scalar waves came to the fore to explain how the frequencies are sent. At the same time I realized that remote treatment is not only restricted to the Rife Medic but apply to any rife device – any device that generate a frequency. It is the nails – DNA – that is generating the scalar wave/transmission and not the device. The nails/DNA had as a function to transmit messages to the owner of the nail. The device was only delivering the frequency to the nails, nothing more. And the nails only transmit this frequency and not any disease that might be inside the nail. If it did transmit the disease people would otherwise never be healed because the disease would have been continuously been transmitted.
During all this I was experimenting on how to use remote and I used my pigeons for this. The disease pigeons get is not the same as for humans and I had to hunt far and wide to find programs for their diseases. Most of these I found in the KHZ programs presently on the Spooky Database. I also bought programs from Char. At that time I did not even know to measure the voltage at the probes. The Rife Medic used percentages. Humans I ran at 60% so I used 20% on my pigeons. I stopped using medicines and only used rife on them. They all looked very healthy but flew very bad in the races. Even birds that previously flew very well for me flew badly. During that year I tried many variations on how I treated them but with no improvement race performance wise. Then in the second year they begin to get sick – seriously sick. At the end I lost about 80%. Every morning I was picking up dead pigeons. This is when I stopped using rife and reverted back to medications. I thought that some of the diseases I were treating did not work or that I perhaps over treated them – ran the programs for too long a time – and that led to them dying and left it at that. I just had no definite answer.
During all this Tania acquired the ability to see auras. I then asked her to look at the aura of my pigeons and if she could then tell me those whose aura is not good. In that way I could pick up early when one had problems. This she did and later on began to tell me in what area of the body she saw the problem. I would then inspect the bird and in that way told her the disease the bird had. This continued and not long after she could tell me the disease and in what part of the body.
I then send one of my birds to another loft – a baby – to be raced in that loft on a future date. After some time I expressed I wish I could know how that bird is health wise. She told me if I gave her the feather of that bird she would tell me. I was astounded. Could she do that? I had a feather of that bird and she told me in detail the health condition. I then treated this bird over a distance. It did however not work and the bird died. This did not make sense to me but I had no idea why. Why were my birds dying when I treated them with rife?
After knowing Tania could diagnose a pigeon with its feather I asked Tania if she would try to diagnose the nail of a person. She tried it and immediately could see it like she did with my pigeon. As with the pigeons she would see something and I would run programs. If what she saw improved within 24 hours I would tell her the program I ran and we would then connect these two and in future we would know what connected with what program. In this way we over time identified and connected many programs/conditions.
Whilst I was testing the two devices Hank send me I used Tania when testing it. The aspect that immediate came to the fore was the intensity setting of the device because if it was to high Tania could not determine if it was pleasant or not – it was just too strong for her. I then bought a multi meter because Hank wanted to know the voltage at the probes/nails. The best thing I could have done. It took me some time to be able to learn how to operate the multi meter. I am definitely not technical. Hank’s devices would start at 5 volts at the probes when it is only switched on – it went from 0 to 5 volts. And 5 volts was too high for Tania. Me and Hank discussed this and I then learned that most rife devices had this – sensitivity/volt settings starting at a high voltage. They just did not think it of value to provide for lower settings because at these low settings body penetration would not happen. Remember these devices were built for contact.
When I joined the Rife Forum I for the first time heard about herx. I did not even know what it meant because up till then none of the people I treated ever had herx. They all felt very good after a treatment. Then as I began starting to treat people by remote, I became aware that I had to turn the intensity down and more down owing to what Tania reported back to me. The final realization came when I treated my first Lyme person. I had to turn the intensity way down and then with the help of Tania found that even at that reduced intensity healing was still taking place. That led me to investigate the intensity/voltage aspect more closely and I saw that when others on the forum experienced herx it was because the intensity/voltage were too high whilst I never experienced this because my intensity/voltage setting were always low. It had nothing to do with cell die off.
Back on the Rife Forum interest began to grow in this remote treatment concept with more and more people starting to ask questions. One of the skeptics was a certain John White. He stated that as an engineer his mind cannot accept that remote treatment can work. It just did not make any reasonable sense. I remember I was very excited that John showed interest because he was a very knowledgeable member of the forum. I tried to explain the concept to him with not much success. I had to get something that people can SEE it work. I then gave my flu programs and handed out the challenge that if anyone had flu and used these programs they should see immediate improvement within 24 hours. Try it for themselves and see if it works. As it turned out John got the flu used it and came back to me that it did not work. We discover something he did wrong and he corrected that and got healed quickly. He then believed.
Hank in the meantime was working on cheap china frequency generators he made mention of but did not interest me much but he was serious about it. He wanted to find a cheap alternative rife device for people to use. I on my side was concentrating on the Rife Medic software. After testing the frequency coming out of the PC from the Rife Medic software and being felt by Tania as pleasant I was keen to pursue that aspect further. I did not have a multi meter so used head phones and listened to the sound. But I could hear no difference between the Rife Medic and Frex16. Only Tania could tell the difference. But because I could hear the sound I thought why must an amplifier – device be used. Agreed the power will be too little for contacts but what about remote? I connect it to probes. I my case it was two washers connected with crocodile clips and placed Tania’s nails in it. She said she could feel it. That was good enough for me. This meant I only needed the Rife Medic software and I had two rife devices – left and right sound card.
Me and Hank spoke a lot about all of this. We were trying to find a way of getting a rife device for very cheap – something most people would be able to afford. My idea was a type of Rife Medic software that generates the frequency from the sound card. Only the software was required no physical device because remote needs very little power to work. In this way you would have two devices from one PC. Hank had the idea that we use a cheap china generator that is driven by PC software. We agreed that Dr Pieter van Wyk would not sell his software only and that we knew nobody that could write the software to generate the frequency from the PC card. Even if we did we had no guarantee that it will work. It might produce the frequency of the Frex16. So we decided to go for the cheap china generator. Hank had two: one in a box and one without a box. Tania tested both for us and found the one in the box to be pleasant but the one without the box unpleasant. Hank could not understand why and after investigating it for a long time could not explained why.
Hank then with his own money hired a programmer at his work to write the interface – communication between the generator and PC – and I wrote the program providing the frequencies to be run = RideUBS. This was two programs. The one wrote the frequencies to be run in a text file and the other program told the generator to run the frequencies from this text file. Only one generator could be run from one PC.
We introduced this on the forum. The interest was big, much bigger that what we expected. I never thought the interest in remote treatment was that big judging from the number of people partaking in the remote thread. I was wrong. RideUSB was very crude and drivers had to be loaded manually which many were not able to do. This is when John White stepped in and saved the day with the approval of me and Hank. He took over and wrote the first Spooky program and the rest is history.
How to find the correct programs is the most difficult part of rifing. It is not just a matter of looking up your condition on the database and running that program. At times it is easy, at times it is difficult and at times you do not find the correct program at all. There are no guarantees.
Try to follow the following steps:
I then discovered that Fibrosis of the Lung had the same frequencies as Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Pulmonary fibrosis is the formation or development of excess fibrous connective tissue (fibrosis) in the lungs. It can be described as “scarring of the lung”.
Medicines that are known to cause pulmonary fibrosis in some people include nitrofurantoin (an antibiotic – Macrobid, Macrodantin, others) and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), amiodarone (a heart medicine – Cordarone, Nexterone, Pacerone) or propranolol (Inderol , Innopran), methotrexate and bleomycin (both chemotherapy medicines), and many other medicines.
These attacks injure the lungs and scar the tissue inside and between the air sacs. This makes it harder for oxygen to pass through the air sac walls into the bloodstream.
The following factors may increase your risk – Note risk NOT a cause.
Now of great interest is that the same thing happens to the heart as the lungs – scar tissue on the heart, like the heart valve not operating correctly because of this scar tissue. With the left heart valve not operating correctly it creates blood buildup that release fluids in the lungs which in turn result in shortness in breath and breathing difficulties.
Pulmonary Fibrosis dries out the mucus linings in the body – in the lungs, respiratory tract, heart and pancreas amongst others. This makes these not operate correctly.
The way I understand all of this is that Pulmonary Fibrosis is the cause of a scar tissue in the lung that then develop in a tumor. Scar tissue/tumor makes the lungs stiff – it loses its flexibility.
It could be that the same apply to the heart – I think. I have never heard about a tumor in/on the heart so I suspect a tumor cannot grow on the heart. But it can and do get scar tissue which will prevent it from operating as it should. I am sure we have been treating scar tissue in other places of the body and at the same time treating scar tissue on the heart if there was scar tissue on the heart, without us realizing it. The same apply to many other frequencies we use that are also in the heart programs.
That brings me to the pancreas. I never knew it has mucus linings. I would say if we then treat the pancreas we should also in addition treat this mucus lining. The pancreas is a vital organ in many diseases like cancer and diabetes. Could it be that if we treat the mucus as well we will perhaps address these diseases as well? The Pancreas has many of the frequencies of Cystic Fibroses but not all.
I also noticed is that in more cases than not, a person with cancer will very soon thereafter develop lung cancer and doctors then say the cancer metastasized – spread – to the lungs. I am sure this most likely happened after chemo treatment – when the chemo actually caused the lung tumor!!!
I found that whenever I do any treatments I always run Mercury Toxicity as almost all people suffer from this even if they do not realise this.
Mercury Toxicity V – CAFL 47, 48, 49, 75
Underneath is an article on Mercury that you might find of interest.
Why Should You Care About Mercury?
It’s of the greatest importance to almost every living person on earth. It’s guaranteed that you are currently carrying a specific load of mercury inside of your brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, thyroid, GI system, etc.
Mercury is a heavy silver colored metal; it’s also the second most toxic element in existence on earth.
What is mercury poisoning? This can occur when anyone ingests enough mercury to make him/her very sick; mercury poisoning can cause great damage to your internal organs as well as affect your overall health in the most negative way. A little girl who loves to eat tuna, which has mercury, got very sick; small dosages of mercury can drastically effect the health of children.
Dr. Boyd Haley, Chemistry Professor, University of Kentucky internationally known scientist on mercury, says:
“Dentists are giving people neurological diseases everyday.”
A Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine study showed that removal of mercury amalgam fillings from 118 subjects eliminated or reduced 80 percent of mercury poisoning symptoms.
How can anyone be exposed to mercury?
Anyone can suffer from mercury poisoning through their mercury fillings, contact lens cleaning solutions, eating too much seafood, antiseptics, contraceptives, over-the-counter lotions, vaccines, tap water, air, soil, processed food, etc.
In fact, Andrew Cutler, a chemist with a PhD in chemistry from Princeton and a highly qualified research scientist, was a victim of mercury poisoning, and suffered health symptoms such as “brain fog” and insomnia; he recovered from his mysterious illness when all of his mercury fillings were properly removed and had taken chelating agents to remove the mercury that had accumulated over the years inside his body.
I quote Andrew Cutler: “Many people have unrecognized chronic mercury poisoning at the root of their (physical or mental) health problems.”
So Andrew Cutler strongly believes that chronic mercury poisoning can very well be the root cause of the following health conditions and symptoms:
If you suffer from any of the above health conditions and symptoms, you may be a victim of mercury poisoning.
WARNING: Any amount of mercury is harmful to your body.
People experienced unpleasant symptoms when using antibiotics and Big Parm explained to them that this was caused by the antibiotics doing such a good job and killing so many bacteria that the body could not keep up with getting rid of these deed bodies. People accepted this explanation and applied it on rifing as well. People applied this principle to rife and expanded on it to also include any bad reaction people experienced.
This expansion had as its origin when contact devices/plasma tubes were used. With these two devices the biggest problem was getting the frequency to penetrate into the body – particular cells penetration. To achieve this they increased the power – building devices with more power. From there the expression that you need a powerful device to treat serious diseases like cancer and Lyme and those less powerful devices will not do the job. That is why they made use of carrier waves. They used carrier waves to achieve cell penetration – that was the theory anyway. Particular when treating Lyme it was the accepted norm. Even running a frequency for a short period of 1 minute on Lyme resulted in severe herx and accepted as the way it worked.
I started treating people with my Rife Medic – contact device – that had no carrier wave and none of the people experienced any herx. I did not even know a term called herx existed until I joined the Rife Forum. The only thing the people I treated experienced was that their disease was healed – no pain, no nausea and no feeling sick. I investigated this and experimented to find out what was all this herx about that everyone was talking about and found it had all to do with the intensity of the frequency. The higher the intensity – voltage at the probes – the more quickly and likelihood that herx will be experienced. At lower voltage no herx was experienced AND healing/cure was still achieved. Also that higher power did not mean quicker healing time at all. Even when I treated Lyme that person did not experience any herx. I treated a lyme person that previously could only endure 5 minutes of treatment before experiencing severe herx. I treated her for 24 hours nonstop and she did not experience any herx. She could not believe it. It is all to do with the voltage.
When you are experiencing herx you are damaging the body. That is the body’s reaction to damage that is being caused. It is not that the cell die off is so much that the body cannot keep up with removing all these dead cells. This dead cell die off theory was that big parm gave to explain why people experienced pain when using antibiotics. They said their antibiotics were so good and were killing so many bacterial
From: False Information About Die-Off Symptoms & Herxheimer Reactions
Such die-off symptoms are “Herxheimer reactions,” also called Herx reactions. However, die-off symptoms and “Herxheimer reactions” “assume” that the Germ Theory of Disease is true, so the medical field had to fabricate (make up) such terms in order to make us believe antibiotics were actually killing off bacteria, however, that isn’t at all true!
Why the Term “Herxheimer Reaction” was Fabricated
The term “Herxheimer reaction” was fabricated by Karl Herxheimer (1861-1942) and Adolf Jarisch (1850-1902), also known as the “Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.” The reason the term was created was in order to describe what occurs when large quantities of toxins are released into the body as viruses, bacteria, candida, etc. die-off when treated by antibiotics or antifungal drugs, antifungals, etc. that “supposedly” kills them off.
“They claim” antibiotics cause bugs to die, i.e. be killed off, which causes bugs to release large numbers of toxins faster than the body can remove the toxins by natural detoxification processes. They also say: “Such reactions includes fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, cold-like and flu-like symptoms with increased mucus, and an increase in skin rashes and eruptions.” But note this! They also say “The intensity of the reaction reflects the intensity of inflammation present.” NOTE: That statement is your biggest clue to the truth! Of course the medical field “had to dream up” something that explains such adverse reactions to antibiotics!
The Truth About Die-Off Symptoms & Herxheimer Reactions
The truth is that die-off symptoms and Herxheimer Reactions are not caused by bugs being killed off or dying. What is actually happening in the body is in the statement above, i.e. “The intensity of the reaction reflects the intensity of inflammation present.” The fact IS that inflammation is a natural immune system reaction to the presence of toxins, and antibiotics and antifungal drugs are toxic/poisonous to the body! Therefore, any symptoms and reactions are caused by the body itself, which is evidence it is working trying hard to detoxify antibiotic toxins.
Such symptoms and reactions are “NOT caused” by killing off bugs at all. They are created by the body in response to toxins/poisons like it reacts to any kinds of toxins or poisons, therefore such reactions are because of being poisoned!
The body creates symptoms and reactions (inflammation) in response to all toxins/poisons, i.e. drugs, over-the-counter medicines, vaccines, mercury fillings in teeth, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals in foods, personal care and cleaning products, etc. In other words, the body works hard at minimizing the damage caused by toxins/poisons such as antibiotics and other drugs by creating inflammation and other immune responses in order to get rid of the poison. However, our governments allow big businesses (medical, drug, food, agricultural, etc.) to poison people legally by allowing toxins/poisons to be used!
How the Body Reacts to Poisons/Toxins
Poisons are defined as any substance that causes injury, illness or death of a living organism. Here’s a list of the general symptoms of poisoning:
Do you see the similarity between poisoning symptoms to “so-called” die-off or Herxheimer Reactions?
It was difficult to find general poison reactions since many references are for specific kinds of poisons like mercury, arsenic, carbon monoxide, rat poison, food poisoning, etc. However you don’t have to look far to find poisoning symptoms which are described as “side-effects” of all drugs! Are you starting to get the picture of what is actually happening?
The University of Mains Farm Safety Program lists reactions to mild, moderate or severe poisoning:
Mild Poisoning – Headache, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, restlessness, perspiration, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, loss of weight, thirst, moodiness, soreness in joints, skin irritation, eye irritation.
Moderate Poisoning – Severe nausea, severe diarrhea, excessive saliva, stomach cramps, excessive perspiration, trembling, no muscle coordination and muscle twitches, extreme weakness, mental confusion, blurred vision, difficulty in breathing, cough, rapid pulse, flushed or yellow skin, weepy eyes.
Severe Poisonings – Fever, intense thirst, increased rate of breathing, uncontrollable muscle twitches, pinpoint pupils, convulsions, inability to breathe, unconsciousness.
The similarity between poisoning symptoms and reactions to die-off or Herxheimer symptoms and reactions is unmistakable!
Adrenal1![]() |
Adrenal2![]() |
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Bladder2![]() |
Colon![]() |
Gallbladder![]() |
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Ileocecal![]() |
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Pancreas1![]() |
Small Intestine![]() |
Small Intestine![]() |
Spleen![]() |
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Thymus![]() |
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Women many times have female problems that just does not go away. This is at times linked to a chain of glands that does not communicate correctly.
Hypothalamus Balance – XTRA – 15.42, 537
Hypothalamus Function Balance – XTRA – 1351, 1413, 1534
Adrenal Function Normalize – XTRA – 1335
Pituatary Gland Dyfunction – CAFL – 1.5, 6.8, 20
Pituatary Gland Balance – XTRA – 4, 537, 635
Pituatary Gland Stimulate 1 – XTRA – 645, 1342, 1725
Human T Lymphocite Virus 1 – CAFL – 243, 646, 725, 732, 844, 2432, 6353
Ovarian Disorders General – CAFL – 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20
It is best to run these programs over two or more devices.
How what we read influence our health
In days gone by whenever we got ill we went to a doctor and he told us what was wrong with us and gave us medication. We believed what we were told and accepted it without any doubt in our mind.
Since then times have changed. We are now for many years been exposed to a lot of medical information by the media and our access to the internet. This vast volume of medical information is leaving many people in a state of confusion because most of this information is for and against many medical aspects with medical experts disagreeing on what is wrong and what is correct. Studies prove this and another proving the opposite. Now it is left to the normal person to decide what is wrong or correct or what each believe to be true or false. If medical experts cannot agree imagine the difference of opinion/believe/conviction amongst normal people.
Now this difference of opinion/believe/conviction amongst normal people is posing to be the biggest problem when treating people or when people treat themselves. People are using all of this information and their opinion/believe/conviction to make diagnosis of their own condition. Needless to say most of the time this diagnosis is incorrect nor not objective. But each believes the diagnosis they arrived at is correct.
People then start treating themselves based on their own diagnosis and many times then do not achieve success. The reason could well be that they try to treat too many conditions at the same time instead of concentrating on one or two condition at a time or treating the wrong condition because their diagnosis is not correct. Then they start jumping around – treating many conditions at random. If there is still no success they start doubting that rife can cure them and bring forward many reasons like the uniqueness of their condition for this but never that their treatment protocol might be the problem or that their diagnosis might be wrong. People seldom admit that they might be the problem.
I found the above in many of the people I treat. They come to me with pre conceived ideas as to their problem. Then when Tania does the diagnosis they tend not to agree fully or agree to a certain degree but still believe and are convinced about what they believe their problems to be. They will then go along with my treatment recommendations up to a certain point but at some stage take a position that we must now start treating the condition that they are convinced they have especially when I have not been treating any of those conditions they believe they have. This even if they did experience definite improvement in their condition up till then. They then insist to treat what they want to treat and not what I recommend. They then follow their own conviction and without exception their condition then goes backwards – at times very fast.
Another huge stumbling block is medications and supplements. People arrive at their opinions/believes/convictions about medications and supplements and take these based on this. In almost all the cases I encountered these medications/supplements is the major contributing cause of their condition. All medications and many supplements have side effects and these side effects contribute greatly to ill health. It is futile to try and treat people with rife whilst they continue with these medications/supplements. They wipe out any healing you are trying to achieve. Note these cannot be stopped immediately but must be done gradually. Also there are certain medications that cannot be stopped at all. It is all dependent on the condition and medication.
Whilst people cling to these opinions/believes/convictions they will never be healed no matter how much they try.
I have experimented with other wave forms and setting and have settled on the following:
Nail Holder:
Homemade not Remote
Wave Form:
Square waves
Amplitude = 2 Volt
Frequency Multiplier = 1
Repeat Every Freq = 1
Repeat Each Set = 1
Repeat Program = 0
Dwell Multiplier = 1
Over the time I have been treating people I noticed that some of them take a lot of supplements. This did not concern me believing that they cannot do harm – at least not much. It has now become more apparent to me that these so called harmless and beneficial supplements may not be as harmless as I thought as several of the people I treated gave feedback on conditions that had nothing to do with the condition I were treating and healing just did not happen or very slowly. This led me to investigate this. What I found led me to write this warning and perhaps enlighten others.
Supplements are not regulated by law so anything can be added to them. It is up to the user to determine where to buy what supplement. Most of the ingredients do however come from China. Taking one or two supplements normally do not cause much harm but when people start using many, conflicts is most likely to occur and some vitamins/minerals might be overdosed owing to the cumulative effect of all the supplements combined. Non soluble vitamins can and do accumulate and build up in the body. This I found on multi vitamins:
Many of the most serious side effects of taking multivitamins result from vitamin overdose due to ingestion of too much of a given mineral. Calcium, iron and zinc are all necessary for the human body to function properly, but too much of any of these minerals in the bloodstream can lead to serious complications such as heart palpitations, stomach bleeding, confusion, tooth stains and increased urination. Even more serious is an overdose on Vitamins A, D, E or K. A serious overdose of these vitamins can even be life threatening. Early warning signs of vitamin overdose include weight loss, splitting headache, menstrual changes, intense back pain or easy bruising. While it’s possible for someone to overdose on a relatively small amount, the chances of overdose increase with the amount of multivitamins taken. Just because one a day is good for you, don’t assume three a day must be better. It’s not.
Since multivitamins contain so many vitamins and minerals, allergic reactions are certainly possible. Mild allergic reactions can include itchiness and a few hives. If you experience these side effects, stop use and contact your doctor. Should you experience more advanced signs of an allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock, such as trouble breathing, chest pain, widespread hives or a swollen facial region, visit the closest emergency room immediately.
If a multivitamin contains both iron and calcium, the iron may prevent full absorption of the calcium. Therefore, it’s advised to take a separate calcium supplement either earlier or later in the day than the multivitamin. Similarly, too much vitamin C in a multivitamin (more than 500 mg) will prevent the proper absorption of vitamin B12.
The following I found of interest as it describe not only calcium but supplements in general:
The recommendation to take calcium pills originated in the assumption that even if they did little to help, aside from mild constipation they would be unlikely to harm.
This assumption, however, has now been called to question by recent evidence suggesting that people taking calcium supplementation are more likely to develop heart attacks, strokes, kidney stones, and painful bone spurs affecting their soft tissues and joints. I have personally treated a number of patients with pain in their joints who experienced relief after a trial off the calcium pills.
Interestingly, women are at lower risk of these complications from calcium supplements than men. I believe this is probably because more women than men eat vegetables and take supplemental vitamin D.
Instead of taking pills, I recommend taking some time to consider whether you follow a balanced diet that includes calcium rich foods. Dairy products, nuts and seeds, and dark green, bitter vegetables like chard and kale top the list. Unlike pills, not only do they offer the calcium, they offer your body many other building blocks together with the biochemical instructions your body listens to when it needs to build, or rebuild, healthy bone.
Remember: Food has three critical functions. Food provides energy (primary with healthy fats). Food provides building-block material with which the body creates new tissue. And food is information, a kind of biochemical message from the Earth’s living environment to the cells of your body, all Interpreted by DNA and Transformed by enzymes and exercise.
That’s why, whenever you rely on pills instead of foods, you risk providing nutrients in an unnatural balance, in a form that the body is ill equipped to recognize and exploit.
The lack of biological ‘information’ not only limits your body’s ability to transport the supplemented nutrients from your digestive tract into your bloodstream (a process called absorption); it interferes with the ability to properly metabolize the nutrients. Without this essential guidance from biology, chaos takes over and the supplemented nutrients end up in random places where they don’t belong.
It is claimed that the produce that come of the land these days are not the same as it was before which makes our choices even more difficult. Unfortunately this very argument is the one that convince people to use supplements because the food we eat does not have the necessary nutritional value as before. In my view this is true and false. Some foods still have great nutritional value and others do not. We will however never know which because we have no knowledge of where the food came from nor on what land was used.
To add to this confusion many of our foods are supplement enriched – artificially. So on the one hand it is stated that you must take supplements but on the other hand they have already added these supplements. The net result is that you have no idea about the total amount of supplements you are really taking in when you do take supplements.
Note I am not saying not to take supplements but be aware too much of a good thing is bad for you. I treated people that take over 20 different herbs and supplements daily. When I investigate these I found that many are working against another and could well account for their ill health. Each of these on their own are very good supplements but combined becomes toxic to the body.
The diagnosis from doctors could be kidney cancer whist the cancer can also be in the Adrenal gland because the Adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys
Many times the cancer is in the Kidneys and the Adrenal glands
If you lack energy suspect the cancer is also in the Adrenal glands
Run the following:
Non Hodgkins 1 – 574, 588, 666, 778, 1078, 1120, 1340, 1744, 3524, 3713
Non Hodgkins 2 – 2008, 2004, 2012, 2116, 2128, 3672, 7760
Adrenal Gland Balance – 20, 537, 1335, 2250, 10000, 12000
Run these for at least 5 days.
Then now and again run Lymphs and Detox.
Non Hodgkins was found to also take away Emphysema in the lungs.
The single frequency programs must be run continuously for about 2 hours daily.
The other programs must be run for at least 5 times but not more than 10 times per day.
The intensity must not be more than 2 volt at the nails.
When a tumor is treated the tumor contact and expand and this movement irritate the surrounding area that causes inflammation. That is why treatment must not be too long.
Brain inflammation is normally treated successfully with Meningitis – CAFL but cases were found where Meningitis did not work and Leukoencephalitis – CAFL were found to work.
The larger the tumor the longer it will take to disappear. A 2cm by 2cm tumor will take about one month.
These tumors do not shrink faster by treating them longer. They each have their own rate of shrinking. Treating for too long may result in brain inflammation especially in young children.
Brain tumors almost always consist of more than one type of cancer. So it will be best to run several of these programs.
Test if the programs are working by monitoring the symptoms of the person being treated. There should be some improvement of the symptoms if the correct program is run. If no improvement is observed try another program.
For brain tumors they make use of a MRI scan. A MRI scan picks up any abnormal tissue and show this very clearly. It does not show what type of tumor it is. To date I found the diagnose of the type of brain tumor doctors made was wrong every time. I have also discovered that with a MRI scan a tumor and a brain scar can look the same. Thus if a tumor was removed and they do a MRI scan again the same picture will show as it will show the brain scar and not the tumor. The only way to determine if a tumor is gone is to do a PET scan. A PET scan will only show a tumor and not a brain scar.
Run Fibrosarcoma – 1744 for many days nonstop.
If you were on chemo your hormone balance will be out. Then run:
Normalize Testosterone Levels Female – 1445
Endocrine System Balance – 1537
Hormonal Imbalances – 5.5
Estrogen Production Balance – 1351
Rising levels of CA 15-3 may indicate a recurrence of breast cancer, but since other conditions can cause higher levels of this antigen, the test results must be taken in to consideration with the results of imaging studies, your symptoms and other tests for hormone sensitivity, HER2/neu and BRCA genes.
Breast cancer is only one condition that may cause high levels of CA 15-3.
Pregnancy and lactation also increase your levels of CA 15-3.
Several noncancerous conditions (benign breast or ovarian disease, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease and hepatitis) can bring up your levels of CA 15-3.
Tumor markers are substances that show up in your blood, urine, or tumor. These are hormones, proteins, or parts of proteins that are made by the tumor or by your body, in response to the tumor, or particular benign conditions.
The chemo drug had as it purposes to reduce the estrogen levels as doctors believe that estrogen is the cause of breast tumors. I suspect this test to a great extent test the estrogen level. When I treat I am boosting the estrogen production to get it back to what it should be and thereby normalize the hormone system. With this figure jumping up like that actually show that I am successful. The tumor was long gone by this time.
Cancer basic 1 – 588.2, 666, 690, 727, 1250, 2008, 2127, 2128
Cancer basic set – 120, 464, 524, 666, 728, 800, 854, 880, 2008, 2048, 2084, 212 8, 2184, 2452, 2720, 3040, 3176, 5000, 6064, 10000
Cancer general 1 – 10000, 5000, 3176, 2720, 2489, 2189, 2184, 2128, 2084, 2050, 2008, 880, 854, 800, 784, 728, 666, 524, 464, 333, 304, 120,
Cancer general 2 – 10000, 3176, 3176, 3040, 2720, 2489, 2182, 2127, 2048, 2008, 1862, 1552, 880, 802, 786, 727, 665, 664, 465, 304, 125, 96, 72, 64, 20,
Cancer General 3 –
10000, 3176, 2720, 2489, 2180, 2128, 2049, 2008, 1865, 943, 886, 866, 776, 732, 728, 690, 676, 650, 523, 442, 414, 304, 24 0, 128,
Cancer BX (1604, 2008, 2128, 2790, 2876, 3713, 11503) alternate with Cancer BY 2008, 2128, 3524, 11430, 11780, 17034, 20080)
Immune system stimulation –
8, 20, 120, 304, 432, 464, 665, 728, 800, 880, 1488, 1862, 200, 2128, 2180, 2489, 2720, 2791, 2855, 2867, 2929, 3176, 334 7, 3448, 4014, 5000, 5611, 10000
Lymphangitis – 880, 574, 778, 1120, 1078, 3176,
Streptococcus Pyrogenes 625.48, 2501.9, 616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20,
Detox throughout the body – 2.4, 5.8, 6.3, 7.8, 20, 26, 35, 60, 72, 125, 165, 200, 444, 465 ,522, 588, 600, 625, 650, 666, 685, 690, 727, 760, 776, 787, 8 02, 832, 880, 1250, 1500, 1550, 1850, 2127 – 1:30 min each
Colds/fly comes in various forms and the most important is to diagnose what you have correctly because they all are not a cold/flu that will be cured with the normal cold/fly programs.
This works when you begin to experience feeling sick and a slight pain in jour body and joints. That general feeling of “I feel a cold/flu coming”. At that stage you do not have a running nose or a cough or a tight feeling over your chest.
Influenza Virus A – 322, 332, 776 – 3 min each
Influenza Virus B2 – 530, 532, 536, 537 – 3 min each
Influenza Virus B1 – 468, 530, 532, 536, 537, 568, 679, 722, 740, 742, 744, 746, 748, 750, 1186 – 3 min each
This works when your nose is running and you have a blocked nose. When you feel it in your head. This one is difficult as it could be one of several.
I first try: Sinusitis Frontals 952, 320, 682 and Sinus Bacteria – 548
If this does not work I try: Sinusitis 3 – 60, 95, 128, 225, 414, 427, 432, 456, 610, 614, 618, 1234, 2600, 5500, 304,
This works when you feel it in your chest. That tight feeling you experience in your chest
Bronchitis – 7344, 3672, 1234, 880, 743, 727, 683, 464, 452, 333, 72, 20, 9.39, 9.35,
This works when you start coughing and cough a lot.
Coughing – 522, 524, 525, 146, 1500, 1550, 0.5, 514, 530, 432, 440, 444, 720, 1234, 3702, 20, 125, 72, 95, 7.7,
Colon cancer is a very wide concept and refers normally to the full intestine.
It can be growths inside the intestine or a growth outside the intestine.
If it is inside the intestine:
Polyps – 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 522, 146
And also run Pulmonary Fibrosis – 27.5, 220, 410 to treat the mucus lining.
If outside the intestine – normally surrounding it:
Diverticulitis – 154, 934,
Diverticulitis Acute – 120, 500,
But I also found that when Diverticulitis does not work the following also removes it:
Pancreas – 440, 464, 600, 624, 648, 1552, 727, 787, 880,
Then to get rid of the toxins run:
Detox 1 Toxins In The Intestines – 2.4, 2.68, 5.8, 6.3, 10, 20, 40, 60, 72, 95, 125, 165, 200, 333, 428, 444, 465, 522, 555, 600, 625, 650, 666, 690, 727, 787, 802, 832, 880, 1250, 1500, 1865,
Detox 2 Parasites In The Intestines – 9.6, 15, 26, 35, 48, 60, 95, 125, 160, 200, 230, 410, 440, 465, 588, 760, 776, 1000, 2000, 2127,
This treatment might cause inflammation so also run:
Colitis – 440, 802, 832, 880, 1550, 10000,
Orthodox medicine is of the opinion that it has to do with the immune system. I also found this webpage that gives much more detailed information:
Crohn’s Disease: Phytotherapy Review & Commentary
Extracts from this website:
Intestinal tissue from 10 patients with Crohn’s Disease were all found to contain measles virus RNA.31 Moreover, measles virus RNA was found within vascular endothelial cells associated with inflammatory foci in 9 out of the 10 Crohn’s Disease patients. Other tests also supported the presence of measles virus.31
A Swedish epidemiological study subsequently found that children born during the three-month period following a measles epidemic were significantly more likely to develop Crohn’s Disease in later life.32 However, no association with measles was observed for Ulcerative Colitis.32
Wakefield is of the opinion that measles vaccination may be responsible for the rise of Crohn’s Disease cases in children. This rise is seven-fold in Scotland over the last 20 years, whereas cases of measles infections there have dropped dramatically. However, vaccination may not be the only explanation for this rise. Moreover, fewer cases of measles infection might not necessarily reflect that general exposure to the virus is less.
Then further on:
Many other groups of investigators have isolated mycobacteria from Crohn’s Disease patients, 36, 37 although not all patients and not all studies have yielded positive results.35-39 In a study reported by Sanderson and co-workers, M. paratuberculosis DNA was identified in gut wall tissues from 65% of Crohn’s Disease patients, 4.3% of patients with Ulcerative Colitis and 12.5% of control patients.40 Other researchers found raised antibodies specific to M. paratuberculosis in 84% of patients with Crohn’s Disease.41 Such findings led a scientist working in the field to conclude that the evidence for a mycobacterial association with Crohn’s Disease is “stronger now than it has been before.”
From the above I would run:
Crohns And Other Bowel Problems – 110, 133, 141, 173, 187, 233, 350, 447, 468, 488, 510, 543, 60 4, 664, 672, 782, 866, 972, 979, 1423
Crohns Disease – 10000, 727, 786, 440, 832, 880, 1550, 20 – 12 min each
Mycobacterium Avium – 642.2, 700.9, 769.6, 803.4, 818.5, 1001.2, 858.2, 786.7, 625.9, 674.3, 953.6, 1180, 1148.3, 773.3, 615.7, 608.4, 770.6, 896.9, 694.1, 680.8, 632.2, 619.7, 680.4, 857.6, 860.2, 590, 825.7, 824, 825, 826, 827, 828, 830, 937.4, 529.3, 1058.6, 2117.1, 617.8, 1235.7, 2471.3, 1037.5, 2075,
Detox 1 Toxins In The Intestines – 2.4, 2.68, 5.8, 6.3, 10, 20, 40, 60, 72, 95, 125, 165, 200, 333, 428, 444, 465, 522, 555, 600, 625, 650, 666, 690, 727, 787, 802, 832, 880, 1250, 1500, 1865,
Diabetes is something to approach with great care. Do not jump directly into running the Diabetes programs as this will lower the sugar lever too quickly into the danger zone. Monitor the sugar lever more regularly during the treatment period. It is also important to eat small portions say 5 to 6 times a day instead of 3 meals a day. Also as starch creates sugar cut down on starch.
I would run the following protocol
Pancreas Insufficiency – 20, 250, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 6 90, 666
Pulmonary Fibrosis – 27.5, 220, 410,
Circulatory Stasis – 40, 2112, 2145, 2720, 2489 – 4 min each
General Antiseptic – 10000, 5000, 2145, 1550, 1488, 880, 802, 786, 776, 766, 760, 728, 688, 683, 676, 666, 660, 464, 450, 444, 428, 120, 20
Detox 4 Toxins Throughout The Body – 2.4, 5.8, 6.3, 7.8, 20, 26, 35, 60, 72, 125, 165, 200, 444, 465, 522, 588, 600, 625, 650, 666, 685, 690, 727, 760, 776, 787, 8 02, 832, 880, 1250, 1500, 1550, 1850, 2127
Run the above for about 14 day and only thereafter bring in the diabetes you have:
Diabetes 1 – 5000, 2127, 2080, 2050, 2013, 2008, 2003, 2000, 1850, 880, 803, 800, 787, 727, 660, 484, 465, 440, 35, 20, 6.8,
Diabetes 2 – 4200, 2128, 1865, 1850, 1550, 787, 465, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48, 302,
Streptothrix – 784, 228, 231, 237, 887, 2890, 222, 262, 2154, 465, 488, 567, 7880, 10000, 787, 747, 727, 20
I tried the Hot Flashes CAFL program and it does not work. I then tried the following and the hot flashes were no longer as severe and it appeared less frequently.
Normalize Testosterone Levels Female – 1445
Endocrine System Balance – 1537
Hormonal Imbalances – 5.5
There are really two sides pertinent to the problem of intestinal toxins in the body that need to be looked at. The first pertains to the types and amounts of toxins that are present in the intestine. The other pertains to how well the toxins are kept out of the body by the intestine. The amount and type of toxins present in the intestine is a function of diet and digestion. If the digestive organs are not functioning well, if digestive enzymes are not being produced as they should be, then the food in the intestines does not become broken down and processed properly. It sits in the intestine and decays and rots and produces poisons. Digestive enzymes are also important because they will kill infectious organisms and parasites and help maintain normal bowel flora all of which, if not handled, can produce nasty intestinal toxins.Pancreatic insufficiency is the inability of the exocrine pancreas to produce and/or transport enough digestive enzymes to break down food in the intestine and to allow its absorption. It typically occurs as a result of progressive pancreatic damage that may be caused by recurrent acute pancreatitis or by chronic pancreatitis due to a variety of conditions.
Pancreatic Insufficiency – 20, 250, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20,
The diagnosis from doctors for kidneys can be either that it is not working – failure – or that it has a tumor or that it is kidney cancer/Renal cancer.
If the kidney is not working – kidney failure – run the following programs:
Uremia – 911
Kidney Insufficiency – 9.2, 10, 40, 440, 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20
Load only Uremia on one device and run for many days – 14 days plus.
Run Kidney Insufficiency on another device but say for 5 days. Uremia is the one that really brings the kidney back to operation.
If it is Kidney cancer/renal cancer run:
Kidney Papilloma – 110, 148, 264, 634, 767, 848, 917, 760, 762, 1102
Also run Detox 3 Toxins in the Kidney and liver from time to time.
Please note that the Adrenal glands are on top of the kidneys and at times doctors diagnose kidney cancer whilst it is in fact Adrenal cancer. Many times the tumor is in both. Refer to Treating Adrenal Cancer.
This program does work:
Kidney Stones – CAFL – 444, 727, 787, 880, 10000, 6000, 3000, 3.5, 1552
For treating the liver as normal maintenance:
Liver Function Balance – 33.13, 537, 751, 802, 1550, 1552,
For treating Liver Cancer:
Liver Necrosis 1 – 33.13, 329, 331.3, 377, 471, 626, 628, 634, 635, 714, 724, 751, 774, 802, 847, 867, 1172.45, 1552, 2162, 7867, 9889, 11774.63,
For most Lung cancers the following program removes it:
Fibrosis of the Lung – 27.5, 220, 410
The size of the tumor will determine for how long it must be run. Small tumors – 0.5 cm by 0.5cm – takes about 5 days but larger ones will take much longer.
It was found that in some cased about 10% of the tumor remained and was removed by:
Kidney Papilloma – 110, 148, 264, 634, 767, 848, 917, 760, 762, 1102
Then in rare cases it was found that a small bit of the tumor was left that was removed with:
Asbestos Lung – 5111
When the tumor is large – larger than 1cm by 1cm – the Fibrosis of the Lung program must not be run for longer than 3 hours.
When treating the tumor the tumor contract and expand and irritate the surrounding area. If this movement is for too long a period the person will experience severe pain. Rather treat for a shorter period and give the surrounding area time to recover from the irritation. I would recommend that Spooky Remote not be used when treating lung tumors.
Lungs that had been operated on – tumors cut out
When surgery has been performed on the lungs – tumors cut out – there will be scarring where the lungs were cut. These scarring will make the lungs stiff and the more cuts were performed the more stiff the lungs. In these cases it is important to get the scan report to get a clear picture of the condition of the lungs. Scarring complicates the treatment greatly as with the scarring the lung program must be run for shorter periods and fluids in the lungs become a major problem.
Then Scarring – XTRA – 19.2, 802, 1550, 1500, 1000, 880, 832, 787, 760, 660, 690, 727.5, 600, 625, 650, 465, 685, 700, 776 must also be run.
Support Programs
Fluids will most likely accumulate in the lungs. Run this special program:
Edema Special – 522, 146, 6.3, 148, 444, 440, 465, 880, 787, 727, 20, 10000, 5000, 3000,
For the irritation/inflammation caused run:
Emphysema – CAFL – 1234, 3672, 7344, 880, 787, 727, 120, 20, 80,
Cancer Non Hodgkins 1 – CAFL – 574, 588, 666, 778, 1078, 1120, 1340, 1744, 3524, 3713,
Cancer Non Hodgkins 2 -CAFL – 2008, 2004, 2012, 2116, 2128, 3672, 7760,
This test does not test for Borrelia but measures the Natural Killer Cell count. In Lyme patients these cells are suppressed. But other things can suppress them as well. Normal people would have a count of above 60 and chronic Lyme patients will have a count well below 60 and be at risk at levels of 60-100. My patient was at 63. Her doctor told her that for Lyme patients this figure fluctuates and is not reliable. They use it as a marker point to see if a Lyme patient is progressing with treatment to a remissive state.
A healthy adult who has never been exposed to the B. Burgdorferi bacterium will not have any antibodies.
If a person’s IgM, IgG, and Western blot tests are positive, then it is likely that the person has Lyme disease. If the person’s antibody concentrations rise over time, then it is likely that the person has an active B. Burgdorferi infection.
If someone tests positive for only the IgM antibody, then the person may have a very recent infection or a false positive test result.
If an IgM result is not detectable but the IgG and Western blot tests are positive, then it is likely that the person tested either has a later stage infection or had an infection at some time in the past.
Any person that had Lyme will obviously test positive for this test as they will have antibodies.
I had the advantage of my daughter to tell me when infections were removed which others will not have so what I did was try and give treatment times that I think would remove these infections where you do not have this advantage.
Detox Toxins Elimination 2 – 0.5, 2.5, 6.29, 9.18, 9.19, 20, 146, 148, 333, 428, 444, 522, 523, 555, 660, 690, 727.5, 768, 786, 787, 800, 802, 880, 1550 ,1552, 1865, 9887, 10000 – Run for 2 days
Mercury Toxicity – 47, 48, 49, 75 – Run for 2 days
Load the following together as one treatment
Borrelia Burgdorferi 1- 941.92, 18919.09,
Borrelia Burgdorferi 2 – 11875
Borrelia Afzelli Lyme 6 – 12109.37,
Borrelia Garinii Lyme – 11937.5,
Run these programs as one set almost forever. I never stop it even after the symptoms disappeared – the pain came down a lot. Whist running these programs also runs Detox Toxin Elimination 2 say every 5 days for a day together with:
Lymphangitis – 880, 574, 778, 1120, 1078, 3176 and Streptococcus Pyogenes – 625.48, 2501.9, 616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20 to clean the blood.
Borrelia general symptoms: fatigue, pain, immune suppression, poor stamina, severe joint pain and/or sore muscles.
Bartonella Henslae – 364, 379, 645, 654, 786, 840, 842, 844, 846, 848, 850, 857, 967, 6878, 634, 696, 716, 1518
Bartonella Quintana – 356, 547
Interleukin – 3448, 2929, 4014, 5611, 2867, 2855, 2791
Bartonella general symptoms: joint pain, headaches, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, skin lesions.
I found most people to only have Bartonella Quintana so I would first only treat this one if available devices are an issue. The Interleukin forms a barrier preventing one from getting rid of the Bartonella. They are very stubborn. Run then for at least 24 hours for 5 days. Two devices at the same time are best.
If at all possible treat Borrelia and Bartonella at the same time as these two are the ones that cause the worse pain and it is difficult to say which one is at play at any one time.
Borrelia goes into hiding – changes form – and the Borrelia program only kills them when in the spiral form. I suspect the killing takes place when they multiply which occurs every 5 hours so it is important that the program is running when this multiplying occurs. I found the following program might kill them in their other forms – when in hiding:
Cancer Astrocytoma – 857, 9.19, 8.25, 7.69, 2170, 543, 641, 2127, 880, 690, 666 – If possible run at the same time as Borrelia.
When Borrelia came out of hiding – changes back to the spiral form – this surge causes an immediate quick increase in pain. Then it is very important that the Borrelia program must be run immediately if it is not running. These surges will happen with interval of about 5 days and become less intense until they disappear altogether which means there is no more Borrelia. It is removed from the body.
It is recommended that these two – Borrelia and Bartonella first be removed completely before starting to treat the other co infections. I have however found that in some case Babesia is as severe as these two and must at times be treated at the same time if not before.
Babesia – 76, 570, 1583, 1584, 432, 753, 5776 – Run for 7 days nonstop
Babesia general symptoms: cognitive and memory problems, mood and emotional instability.
Ehrlichia Chaffeersis – 300, 336.39, 382.19, 394.69, 528.39, 672.7, 749.2, 764.39 ,918, 1200, 1317.2, 1345.4, 1364.9, 1369.79, 1836, 14980. 5 – Run for 4 days
Ehrlichia Equi – 1.19, 250, 295, 349, 354.19, 406, 469.69, 590, 637.89, 698, 939.29, 1180, 1223.4, 1416.9, 1878.7, 2833.9, 3248.3, 375 7.3, 7080.5 – run for 4 days
I found Ehrlichia Chaffeersis to work and mostly used it. The other one I only ran occasionally.
Ehrlichia general symptoms: any neurological sensations in the extremities, sciatica, numbness, burning.
Mycoplasma Fermentans Incognitus – 254, 484, 610, 644, 660, 690, 706.7, 727.5, 790, 864, 878.2, 880.2, 986.2, 2900, 5044(17 min), 5355(10 min) – Run for 4 days
This is the Mycoplasma found with Lyme. Mycoplasma has very much the same symptoms as Borrelia and Bartonella but not as severe. If you find after running Borrelia and Bartonella intensively and the symptoms remain then it is most likely Mycoplasma. But be watchful because it could also mean Borrelia and Bartonella has returned.
The patient’s liver and kidney must be in good working order to rid the body of toxins so treating them is also needed from time to time. I use the following:
Liver Function Balance – 33.13, 537, 751, 802, 1550, 1552 – Run for 1 day
Kidney Insufficiency – 9.2, 10, 40, 440, 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20 – Run for 1 day
I also found that the Lymph system comes under pressure and must also be treated.
Lymph’s and Detox – 10000, 3177, 3176, 3175, 880, 787, 751, 727, 676, 635, 625, 5 22, 465, 444, 440, 304, 148, 146, 15.2, 15.05, 10.36, 10, 7.8 3, 6.3, 2.5 – Run for 1 day
Cancer Non Hodgkins 1 – 574, 588, 666, 778, 1078, 1120, 1340, 1744, 3524, 3713 – Run for 1 day
Cancer Non Hodgkins 2 – 2008, 2004, 2012, 2116, 2128, 3672, 7760 – Run for 1 day
Note Lupus is very close: Joint pain and extreme stiffness in the morning and as the day goes it loosens up a little.
Lyme is a very complicated disease and doctors have no certain way to diagnose it. Once diagnosed they make use of markers to determine the severity of the disease but they do not test if Lyme is still present. This means that once diagnosed doctors is not able to determine if Lyme is gone or not. This poses a problem as when people go to their doctor after treatment and being told they still have Lyme they believe their doctor. What makes matters worse is that Lyme breaks down the body and when removed leaves the body is a very bad state. The person will most likely still experience the same pain, although reduced, as what they had when they had Lyme. For them to not believe the doctor is very unlikely as they have the pain in their body to confirm that Lyme is still present.
It normally take about 3 months after Lyme is removed for the body to recover from its broken down state. Very often other diseases have entered the body during the time of Lyme. So the symptoms of these other diseases are experience also making them believe they still have Lyme. It is therefore important to realize that other disease are at play and not Lyme anymore and that these then be treated – as separate diseases from Lyme.
For treating swollen lymph nodes:
Swollen Glands – 152, 242, 642, 674, 922,
For treating the Lymph System
Lymphs And Detox – 10000, 3177, 3176, 3175, 880, 787, 751, 727, 676, 635, 625, 522, 465, 444, 440, 304, 148, 146, 15.2, 15.05, 10.36, 10, 7.83, 6.3, 2.5,
Cancer Non Hodgkins 1 – 574, 588, 666, 778, 1078, 1120, 1340, 1744, 3524, 3713,
Cancer Non Hodgkins 2 – 2008, 2004, 2012, 2116, 2128, 3672, 7760,
Meningitis is inflammation of the white matter of the brain. There are two programs that work for this:
First Try Meningitis – 5000, 1422, 1044, 822, 764, 733, 720, 517, 423, 322, 20,
Then if that does not work:
Leukoencephalitis – CAFL – 324, 572, 776, 934, 1079, 1111, 1333,
If it is a small child I found this bacteria to be the cause derived from the Hib vaccination
Haemophilus influenzae type b – 652, 942
Hormodendrum – 663, 678, 695, 532, 627,
Multiple Sclerosis – 20, 80.9, 143, 166, 218, 224, 235, 241.68, 253, 275, 304.6, 317, 421, 430, 464, 470, 524, 620, 624, 660, 690, 728, 784, 787, 802, 1550, 840, 854, 880, 1331, 1875, 1883, 2088.59, 2189, 2213, 2252.8, 23570.5, 2466.9, 2720, 3056.9, 3767, 4992, 5 000 – Run 3 times consecutively
Herpes Type 6 – 227.3, 454.5, 1818.09, 3636.19, 228, 1820, 3640, 7281 Run 3 times consecutively
Lyme – 2050, 1520, 615, 2016, 625 – Run 3 times consecutively
Chlamydia – 430, 470, 555, 622, 840, 866, 942, 2213, 2218, 2223, 3768, 37 73 – Run 3 times consecutively
ALS – 5000, 3636, 2632, 1850, 1500, 1488, 1422, 1189, 1044, 922, 868, 845, 822, 788, 776, 766, 742, 733, 721, 676, 654, 625, 620, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 595, 515, 487, 461, 435, 423, 380, 322, 283, 232, 144, 136, 20 – Run 3 times consecutively
Herpes Type 6 – 227.3, 454.5, 1818.09, 3636.19, 228, 1820, 3640, 7281 – 3 min each – Run 6 times consecutively
Lyme – 2050, 1520, 615, 2016, 625 – Run 6 times consecutively
Chlamydia – 430, 470, 555, 622, 840, 866, 942, 2213, 2218, 2223, 3768, 37 73 – Run 10 times consecutively
Detox 4 Toxins Throughout The Body – 2.4, 5.8, 6.3, 7.8, 20, 26, 35, 60, 72, 125, 165, 200, 444, 465, 522, 588, 600, 625, 650, 666, 685, 690, 727, 760, 776, 787, 8 02, 832, 880, 1250, 1500, 1550, 1850, 2127 Run 3 times consecutively
Then repeat the process. If you have more than one device you can run both MS and ALS at the same time three times. The intensity must not be more than 2 volt at the probes. General: MS and ALS treat your nerves directly and if you run the treatment longer as indicated these nerves will become irritated and result in pain for the patient. This does not apply to the other programs.
Run Muscular Dystrophy now and again on the Detox day. This program also treat the nerves directly so one on direct contact and 3 times with remote
Cancer Non Hodgkins 1 – 574, 588, 666, 778, 1078, 1120, 1340, 1744, 3524, 3713
Cancer Non Hodgkins 2 – 2008, 2004, 2012, 2116, 2128, 3672, 7760
Streptococcus Virus – 563, 611, 727
Lymph Support – 15.05, 10.36, 3176
Lymphs and Detox – 10000, 3177, 3176, 3175, 880, 787, 751, 727, 676, 635, 625, 522, 465, 444, 440, 304, 148, 146, 15.2, 15.05, 10.36, 10, 7.83, 6.3, 2.5
Lymphangitis – 880, 574, 778, 1120, 1078, 3176,
Streptococcus Pyrogenes – CAFL – 625.48, 2501.9, 616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20,
White Blood Cell Stimulation – 432, 1862, 2008, 2128, 2180, 2791, 2855, 2867, 2929, 3347, 3448, 4014, 5611,
Detox throughout the body – 2.4, 5.8, 6.3, 7.8, 20, 26, 35, 60, 72, 125, 165, 200, 444, 465 ,522, 588, 600, 625, 650, 666, 685, 690, 727, 760, 776, 787, 8 02, 832, 880, 1250, 1500, 1550, 1850, 2127
Ovarian Cyst – CAFL – 567, 982, 711
The CA 125 test is a blood test that determines the level of an antigen in the blood which is known to be a tumor marker. It is commonly used to monitor the state of the disease in ovarian cancer patients, because 80-90% of women with ovarian cancer in its later stages will have signs of the antigen in their blood.
Why isn’t the test commonly used as a screening test?
Unfortunately, the test is not as sensitive or specific as would be ideal. This means that there are “false positive” and “false negative” results associated with the test, and at unacceptably high rates to be used as a general screening test (as, for example, mammograms and Pap tests are used).
False Positives – There are many common conditions that can cause an elevation of CA 125 in the blood. Among them are normal ovulation, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, the first trimester of pregnancy, fibroid tumors, and other sources of inflammation in the abdominal and pelvic organs (liver disease, pancreatitis, etc). Also, cervical, endometrial, and other cancers (among them breast, colon, and lung) can inconsistently cause a rise in CA 125.
Looking at this list (which is far from complete, but covers the major conditions), one might notice that they fall roughly into two categories: conditions common in the childbearing years, and conditions you would actually want to know about if you had them. CA 125 does cause many more false positives in pre-menopausal women. But especially after menopause, a false positive for ovarian cancer might be a true positive for something else. Scientists are now at work trying to find ways to use the CA 125 test that might provide more accurate screening information.
False negatives – Another big problem with using the CA 125 for general screening is that it has an unacceptable rate of false negatives. This means that a woman can have a normal test result and still have ovarian cancer. This is especially true in the earliest stage of ovarian cancer – which is exactly when you want a screening test to work well! At least half of women with stage 1 ovarian cancer have normal levels of CA 125 in their blood.
I also read somewhere when investigating something else that cysts are a normal to be formed in child bearing years and then be dissolved as the natural process. Now and again they are not dissolved and the reason why many women do have ovarian cysts. From this I suspect that when the test is done is also important.
Treating normal maintenance:
Pancreas – 440, 464, 600, 624, 648, 1552, 727, 787, 880,
Pulmonary Fibrosis – 27.5, 220, 410,
Treating bad pancreas/cancer + Cancer General
Pancreatic Insufficiency – 20, 250, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20,
Pulmonary Fibrosis – 27.5, 220, 410,
Prostate can be either what I call true cancer or just something wrong with the prostate that grows in size. So start with the non cancer ones as you should feel the improvement rather immediately. Then if there is no improvement say after 3 days go for the cancer programs.
Prostate Enlarged – 2250, 2128, 2050, 920, 690, 666 – 3 min each
Prostate Problems General – 2720, 2128, 2008, 880, 802, 787, 728, 727, 690, 666, 465, 408 ,125, 95, 72, 20, 9 – 3 min each
Cancer Prostrate – 20, 72, 304, 442, 666, 690, 727, 766, 787, 790, 800, 920, 1875 1998, 2008, 2050, 2120, 2127, 2128, 2130, 2217, 2250, 2720, 5000 – 3 min each
Prostate Adenominum – 442, 688, 1875, 748, 766, 920 – 4 min each
Prostate Hyperplasia – 920 – 5 min each
Blood Cleanser – 727, 787, 880, 2008, 2127, 5000 – 3 min each
Run this every day for a week and in between run Immune System Stimulation – 8, 20, 120, 304, 432, 464, 665, 728, 800, 880, 1488, 1862, 200 8, 2128, 2180, 2489, 2720, 2791, 2855, 2867, 2929, 3176, 334 7, 3448, 4014, 5000, 5611, 10000 – 4 min each
The PSA test is not a test for prostate cancer. It’s a test for abnormalities of the prostate, one of which may be cancer.
Two out of three men with a raised PSA level will not have any cancer cells in their prostate biopsy, while up to one in five men with prostate cancer will have a normal PSA test result.
Research suggests that while the lives of some men could be saved by PSA screening, many more men would be unnecessarily treated for cancers that would never cause serious harm. This is called over-diagnosis or over-treatment.
Strep Throat – 20, 465, 660, 690, 727.5, 784, 787, 875=1200, 880, 2000, 10000, 11503.9
The following worked
Cells of Leudig – 2500 – 8 min
Seminal Vericulitis – 393, 433, 2712 – 3 min each
Worldwide, the most common cause for goitre is iodine deficiency, usually seen in countries that do not use iodized salt. Selenium deficiency is also considered a contributing factor. In countries that use iodized salt, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common cause.[3]
Iodine deficiency causes Hyperplasma of the thyroid to compensate for decreased efficacy which in turn causes Hypothyroid
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is and autoimmune disease in which the thyroid gland is gradually destroyed. Infiltration of lymphocytes leads to Hypothyroid.
The vast majority of HTLV-I-infected individuals are clinically asymptomatic; less than 5% of infected individuals develop HAM/TSP. Clinically, HAM/TSP is characterized by muscle weakness, hyperreflexia, spasticity in the lower extremities, and urinary disturbance associated with preferential damage of the thoracic spinal cord. HTLV-I has been shown to be associated not only with HAM/TSP but also with several inflammatory diseases, such as alveolitis, polymyositis, arthritis, and Sjogren syndrome (Kubotaet al, 2000).
Human T Lymphocite Virus1 – 243, 646, 725, 732, 844, 2432, 6353,
I found this program to work
Dental Infection – 960, 660, 666, 690, 727, 784, 787, 800, 880, 1560, 1840, 1998, 2489
Every time you go to a dentist the first thing they do is clean your teeth. And every time they cleaned my teeth I immediately had sore gums thereafter. The gums receded from my teeth, was painful and at times bleed. I investigated this closely and saw slowly after this cleaning process some white stuff started building up around the bottom of each tooth and as this buildup increased the pain got less and the gums did not recede further. Then when they clean my teeth they remove this white buildup and I am back with sore gums. So from then on I refused that they clean my teeth and never had sore gums any more.
Whenever there is a tumor anywhere in the body run:
Fibrosarcoma – 1744
A low number of WBCs is called leukopenia. It may be due to:
A high number of WBCs is called leukocytosis. It may be due to:
Lower-than-normal hemoglobin may be due to:
Higher-than-normal hemoglobin may be due to:
Low hematocrit may be due to:
High hematocrit may be due to:
Any infection or acute stress increases your number of white blood cells. High white blood cell counts may be due to inflammation, an immune response, or blood diseases such as leukemia.
It is important to realize that an abnormal increase in one type of white blood cell can cause a decrease in the percentage of other types of white blood cells.
An increased percentage of neutrophils may be due to:
A decreased percentage of neutrophils may be due to:
An increased percentage of lymphocytes may be due to:
A decreased percentage of lymphocytes may be due to:
An increased percentage of monocytes may be due to:
An increased percentage of eosinophils may be due to:
A decreased percentage of basophils may be due to:
Anemias are defined based on cell size (MCV) and amount of Hgb (MCH).
This test is used to diagnose the cause of anemia. The following are the types of anemia and their causes:
A lower-than-normal number of platelets (thrombocytopenia may be due to:
A higher-than-normal number of platelets (thrombocytosis) may be due to:
The mechanism by which vaccine viruses damage our genetic code and deteriorate our immune response is multi-faceted. Unnaturally weakened or “killed” viruses are present at too low a level to stimulate the body’s defences. However, this foreign microbial genetic material does not easily leave our tissues. The body does respond to this material-in an abnormal way. Van Beveren writes:
The body does not usually tolerate viruses unless they have been weakened (so as not to awaken a strong response) or tricked through a route (usually injection) that bypasses . . . organs and functions that would inevitably lead to normal, natural expulsion. But [by being] synthetically weakened and directly introduced into the bloodstream, these bits of aberrant nucleoproteins are capable of remaining latent toxicants for many years without continually provoking acute illness, yet keeping the defence system restless and “on guard” almost indefinitely.
38 Being continually “on guard” causes intense stress. The psychological signal is anxiety; the physical symptom is disease. Since, as mentioned earlier, “killed” viruses migrate directly into the DNA, the body-responding differently than it would to “normal” viruses-is not signalled properly to stop these “killed” viruses. But eventually, the weakened viruses become too plentiful for the body to ignore. As Van Beveren explains, at this point so many weakened viruses have been incorporated “into an appropriate chromosome [of the body’s cells] and start the production of non-self proteins [that] the only proper response from the organism must be to make antibodies-against its own cells.”
This explains the recent astronomical increase of chronic and degenerative, so-called auto-immune diseases. The body attacks itself, no longer able to recognize its own cells due to the gradual, stealthy, unnatural introduction of foreign material.
This principle pertains as much to the macrocosmic world as it does to the microcosmic universe. It is never the case that people are completely passive agents in their own healing. Simply making a decision to get well-or to participate in a double-blind study, for that matter-can reflect the person’s desire to grow or change. When someone takes charge of their own healing, biochemical and physiological
changes occur. Even the conventional medical community acknowledges that people who feel in control over their lives produce beneficial hormones that help them heal; whereas those who do not feel in control produce noxious biological chemicals that make them feel even sicker.
I have encountered what is explained above many times when I treat people. These are what I call the difficult ones to treat. They are the passive ones that expect things must be done to and for them and be healed without them being an active participant. They do not take control and expect other to take control for them. Unless they change healing will not take place.
As with regards to the viruses damage aspect, this is something that is not known to us when we treat people. We are confronted by many symptoms of this but rarely recognize it for what it is as we are engrossed in all the outward signs only.
To vaccinate or not is a very difficult decision. The way I see it, it is more a case of the number of vaccinations you receive. There are essential vaccinations that must be taken. The problem as I see it is that the number of vaccinations has increased beyond what is reasonable and what the body can handle/manage. When you compare the number of vaccination say 20/40 years ago compared to today, the number shot up drastically. You will know the exact figures better than me.
I get the feeling that way back the concern were the heath of the people but this changed to how much money can be made. Just look at the annual flu vaccination people are pressurized to take. The way I see it vaccination is the new money tree.
I also get the feeling that this may be the root of Morgellons Disease. It might be of interest to find out from people with this disease what vaccinations they had and see if there is any correlation.
The following list shows some of the relationships between conflict emotions and target organs.
The conflicts for some other diseases are as follows:
In regard to AIDS Dr Hamer observes that no one ever died of AIDS without having previously been told that they are HIV positive or believe that they are. The implication is that just as with cancer, it is the negative perception associated with AIDS that causes its devastating effect
The NEW MEDICINE understands the body as a unified organism, a unity, with the psyche being the integrator of all functions of behaviour and all areas of conflict, and the brain being the main computer of all behavioural functions, conflict areas and organs, and the sum of the consequences of all these events. R.G. Hamer, MD
I had the opportunity to study female patients with cancer and to compare my findings to see if their mechanism was the same as mine; if they too had experienced such a terrible shock. I found that all of them, without exception, had experienced the same type of biological conflict as I had. They were able to recollect the shock, the resulting sleeplessness, weight loss, cold hands and the beginning of tumor growth.
Furthermore, the shock must be unexpected; if we are prepared in some manner for the shocking event, we will not become ill says Hamer. Even more remarkably, he discovered that every biological conflict leaves a visible shadow in the brain (confirmed in every case, again without exception, by a brain CT scan) in the exact brain relay corresponding to the organ or body structure manifesting the disease. He found that the nature of the conflict predetermines the organic site for disease and that every disease has two distinct phases: the conflict/active phase and the healing/resolution phase. These are separated by the exact moment when the biological conflict is resolved. Hamer called this “The Iron Rule of Cancer.”
He soon began to correlate his theories with other diseases as well and not just cancer. The result of his research is the creation of the “Disease Chart,” which accurately describes the biological conflict cause of each disease, the exact location in the brain the focus is found, how the disease manifests in the “conflict active phase” and how it manifests in the “healing phase.” Should Hamer’s theories continue to receive scientific corroboration, this may indeed constitute the foundation for a New Medicine in the world.
As incredible as it sounds, Hamer and his supporters describe their series of empirical findings based on 31,000 case studies as all (without exception!) exhibiting this same pattern of disease development. In other words, not one exception to the theory was uncovered. In fact, several supportive studies have now been accomplished with European institutions, the latest being the 1998 examination at The University of Trnava, Slovakia.