Spooky2’s Analyze Function

For some time now, when you do a biofeedback scan with GeneratorX or Spooky Pulse, all the colllected scan data is stored in a raw scan data file. For the GeneratorX, this collected scan data includes the Current, Angle, and Angle + Current data. For the Spooky Pulse, this collected scan data includes the BPM (Beats Per Minute) and the HRV (Heart Rate Variability) data. Using the Analyze button, Spooky2 can open these old raw scan data files, and analyze the scan data to give you the top hits in that scan, with any of the data parameters that were saved during that scan.

This is useful in many situations, including:

  • You finished the scan, and the Scan Results window comes up. You look at the data, and then dismiss the window without saving your scan results into BFB_Frequencies.csv.
  • You did a GeneratorX scan where you chose Current, but you really want to see the Angle results.
  • You did a Spooky Pulse scan where you chose BPM, but now you want to see the HRV results.
  • You did a Hunt and Kill, or a Scan and Run scan, where these scans don’t give you the opportunity to save the scan results. But now you want to create a preset from those scans.

How to Use the Analyze Function

First, you must load up the Control tab with the preset you originally used to do the scan. So let’s say you used GX General Biofeedback Scan with Baseline (C) – JW. Go into the Presets tab, find you scan preset, and click on it.

Now load it into a generator by going into the Control tab, ticking Overwrite Generator, and clicking a generator button. In the picture, Generator 3 & 4 is a GeneratorX, so click on Generator 3.

In the first column of the Biofeedback Scan area, you may want to set:

Max Hits to Find: is the the number of hits to report

Threshold: sets a lower threshold for hits to report. Set to 0 to see all values.

In the 2nd column you may want to set:

For Spooky Pulse: either BPM or HRM
For Generator X: either Angle, Current, or Angle + Current

I suggest not changing anything in the 3rd column, but if you are not sure, use Running Average.

Now click the Analyze button.

This brings up the Select Biofeedback Data dialog. The raw scan data files usually contain the date in the form YYYYMMDD_HHmm_SS (Y=year, M=month, D=day, H=hour, m=minutes, S=seconds). Choose your raw scan data file and click the Open button.

This brings up the Scan Results window.

If you want to do a Reverse Lookup, now is the time to do it, because if you save the scan results now, you will lose the Scan Results window.

Click the Save button (floppy disk icon circled in red above) in the upper right part of the window to save your scan results into the Biofeedback database (BFB_Frequencies.csv). This brings up a Create Program window. You need not fill in any field, but you may wish to add more comments into the Program Description section.

When finished, click the Save button in the upper right part of the Create Program window.

In the Presets tab, if you search for BFB, you will find your new program.

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