There is a very popular thread on the Spooky2 forum called SuperSweep 48,800 – 43Mhz. The author of the sweep, Stu Tooley, created a sweep that goes between 48,800 to 43 Mhz for the GeneratorX and 48.8Khz to 20 Mhz for the Spooky2-XM, that has a step size between each frequency of 0.025%. It turns out the standard spectrum sweep will have this small step percentage for the higher frequencies of the sweep, but for the lower frequencies the step percentage will be larger. This means there are many potential MORs (Mortal Oscillatory Rates) that will be missing in a spectrum sweep that covers a large range or number of octaves.
To remedy this, the sweep is broken up into single octaves, and a spectrum sweep is performed in that octave. With this approach, the lower frequency step size is 0.025% or less.
The latest SuperSweep presets themselves are in this post, and you can download them here: Post #107.
If you don’t know how to install presets into Spooky, read the following: Downloading Presets into Spooky.
After you’ve downloaded the SuperSweep archive, copy the folder inside the archive to your User folder. Inside this folder called SUPERSWEEP SPECTRUM v9 +detox is a PDF file called READ-ME_Please v9.pdf. This document explains the order to run the different sweeps.
There are versions of the SuperSweep for the Spooky2-XM generator and the GeneratorX (Pro). There are 3 sweep files that address the range from 48.8Khz – 20Mhz for both types of generators. The GeneratorX version has a high frequency range sweep that covers 20Mhz to 40 Mhz.
The 3 sweep files for the 48.8Khz to 20Mhz range come in gentle, medium, and strong strengths. For each of these SuperSweep presets, you run a SuperSweep preset for half a week. Then the other half of the week you run either the Deep Detox v3.0 preset, or you could run Detox Maintenance. After that week, if you had detox symptoms or Herxheimer reactions during the sweep, remain on that same SuperSweep strength. But if there were no symptoms, progress to the next higher strength and repeat the process. Once you hit the strong preset, you continue on the strong preset until your symptoms have gone away.
Who Should Use SuperSweep?
SuperSweep can be used by anyone who has a condition that is caused by pathogens. This preset is especially useful if you have multiple pathogens, you don’t have biofeedback or don’t like doing a biofeedback scan.
Using Multiple Generator
If you have multiple generators available to run the SuperSweep, you can run SuperSweep on multiple generators. One technique is to start each generator 30 minutes to an hour after the previous generator. Another technique is to divide the number of internal presets (2 strengths have 15 presets, the strong preset has 17 presets) by the number of generators resulting in the quotient. Start the first generator at the beginning, and each subsequent generator skip ahead, using the Preset field in the Control tab, to skip ahead by the quotient from the starting preset number of the previous generator. With this second technique, there is not need to wait between starting the different generators. Here is an example of running the SuperSweep on 7 generators.
Experience with SuperSweep
Damiano on the forum thread talks about his experience of using the SuperSweep on different people in this forum post..
Stu describes the methodology he used to heal his daughter of a debilitating and paralyzing neurological disease in this post. He used a variation of the methodology described above and in the documentation with a preset called Superprogram, written by Damiano.
AI Summary of SuperSweep Thread
Oleg on the forum thread had Claude AI read the entire thread and present a summary of the ideas, with proofreading by Stu.
‘will the latest update of the spooky software also have these sweeps in it?
In the latest Spooky2 software, under >Frequency Sweeps, >Remote, >MegaWobble, there are the next generation sweeps from Stu called MegaWobble. In that folder is a PDF called read-me-megawobble-2b-3-5r-5c that describes these sweeps, plus also read the Preset Notes for each of the chained presets in the folder.